At St Cuthbert and The First Martyrs' Primary School, we believe Maths is an important life skill and a subject full of creativity and logic. We aim to make Maths accessible, challenging, and inspiring for all learners. Our goal is to foster a positive attitude towards Maths, helping pupils develop fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We connect Maths to other subjects like Science and Technology and its real-life applications, preparing students for the future.
We follow the National Curriculum and use the White Rose Maths scheme to ensure clear progression. In Key Stage 1 and 2, children have a daily one-hour lesson, while in Early Years, maths tasks are planned weekly. We also use the NCETM Mastering Number scheme in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 to develop number sense.
Lesson Structure
Maths lessons are carefully planned to engage students:
- Active Participation: Hands-on activities, group work and discussions help deepen understanding.
- Positive and Inclusive Environment: We foster a supportive environment where mistakes are part of learning.
- Mastery Approach: Fluency, reasoning and problem-solving help students build a deep understanding.
- Live Marking and Feedback: Teachers provide immediate feedback, helping students improve during the lesson.
Additional Learning Opportunities
- Early Bird Maths: Arithmetic questions during morning registration to reinforce learning.
- Timestable Rockstars (TTRS): Key Stage 2 students can practice their times tables at home.
- Junior Maths Challenge: Upper Key Stage 2 students with strong Maths skills are invited to take part.
- Classroom Resources: Students have access to resources like numicon, counters and place value grids during lessons.
Our Maths curriculum ensures clear progression for all pupils. Through assessments, feedback and targeted support, we help students meet Age-Related Expectations and sometimes progress beyond them. We also encourage enthusiasm and confidence in Maths, with students showing pride in their learning and work.
Long Term Planning 2024-25