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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Nursery  

Meet our Nursery Team!

Miss Bindley- Lead Early Years Practitioner

Mrs Ssetteba- Early Years Practitioner and PPA cover (Weds PM)

Mrs Smith, Mrs Nazir, Mrs Aziz- Lunchtime Supervisors


Our Nursery provides a calm, welcoming and stimulating environment for children to learn and thrive. Our aim is to support our children in their transition into Reception, with a large focus on supporting their social and emotional skills and encouraging further independence. 


We follow an exciting curriculum to help ignite children's learning to support all 7 areas of the EYFS. We also follow the children's current interests when planning, to provide children with fun, engaging activities and implement in the moment planning throughout each day when possible. 


Our Learning

This half-term our topic is Julia Donaldson stories, learning about the Author and diving into some of our favourite stories such as The Gruffalo, Rabbit's Nap and Fox's Socks. 

In RE our topic is Good Friends and we will be focusing on four Early Learning Statements:

  •  Know that Jesus chose friends to help him.
  •  Know how Jesus helped people and gives us people to help us.
  •  Know that Jesus teaches us forgiveness and love
  •  Know that Jesus died on Good Friday but that was not the end.

Please see below our long-term plan:



Useful Information

Seesaw- Each week we upload photos of some of our amazing activities to the seesaw app. This is a great way for parents to gain an insight into what we get up to throughout the week. If you need another log-in link please let us know.

PE- PE is on a Thursday morning, children to come in normal school uniform. 

Outdoor Play- We are very fortunate to have an amazing Early Years outdoor area, this is free-flow throughout the day during provision and we often enjoy taking our learning outside. Please ensure your child comes to school in a suitable coat. We do provide wellies to ensure our feet don't get too muddy!

Stay Read and Play- Parents are invited into class to celebrate World Book Day with us. Thursday 6th March 9:15- 10am. 

School Trip- Our Early Years school trip to the farm will be on Thursday 3rd July. Letters to be sent closer to the date. 


If you have any questions please let us know. We look forward to supporting you and your child through their first years at our school!

Miss Bindley.