Hello and welcome to our Year 1 class page! In Year 1, we foster a love of learning through engaging activities, hands-on exploration, and a nurturing environment. This year we’ll be building confidence in reading, writing, and maths while developing creativity, curiosity, and independence. We can’t wait to share this journey with you!
Mrs. Bates
Year 1 Class Teacher
Every day children will be required to bring their reading folder containing their 2 reading books and and yellow reading journals to school with them. Reading with your child for 20 minutes each night is a wonderful way to build their confidence, fluency, and love of books. This daily practice supports their learning and helps develop essential language skills. We ask that parents fill in their child’s reading journal each time they read, as this allows us to track progress and celebrate achievements together.
Your support makes a big difference!
On Monday we have PE.
Please ensure your child is wearing correct PE kit which consists of plain or school logo black joggers/leggings, a plain or school logo black jumper/hoodie and a plain white t-shirt and trainers. Earrings should be worn on PE days.
On Wednesday we have Swimming.
Please ensure your child comes to school with their swimming kit which consists of a towel, swimsuit/trunks, swim hat all within a separate waterproof swim bag. Earrings should be worn on swimming days.
On Friday we have Spelling Test.
Every Friday, Year 1 students will have a spelling test on 5 words they’ve been practising throughout the week in school and at home. These spellings are the Year 1 common exception words and high frequency words. Children in Year 1 are expected to spell these words correctly by the end of the year.
Children should read at home for at least 20 minutes daily.
Maths homework will be sent home every Thursday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Supporting your child with their maths homework is a great way to build their confidence and fluency. At this stage, they are still developing their understanding, so encouraging them to use practical resources like counters, number lines, or even their fingers can be really helpful. Focus on praising their effort, talking through problems together, and making maths fun—this will help them develop a positive attitude towards learning!
If you have any questions regarding homework, please speak to a member of the Year 1 team.