Year 5
Miss Ferrara – Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs Robinson – Teaching Assistant
Lunchtime supervisors - Mrs Brooker, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Tasneem and Miss Philip
Mrs Senyk-Bridge – PPA cover
PE and Swimming
Physical Education (PE) sessions will take place every Monday afternoon. Children are required to wear plain jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and a jumper. Suitable footwear, such as pumps or trainers, must also be worn. Swimming lessons will be held every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has appropriate swimming attire, such as a swimming costume or shorts, along with a towel and a swimming cap.
Homework and Independent Learning
Children are expected to read every evening, either independently or with an adult. The adult should sign the child's yellow reading record to ensure that the school staff are informed of the child's reading progress and can stay up to date. Once a child has completed a book, they will have the opportunity to take a comprehension test in school.
Times Tables (TTRS)
Children are encouraged to regularly practise their times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars. Their login details can be found in their yellow reading record. Developing a strong grasp of times tables is essential for success in Upper Key Stage 2 mathematics. Additionally, children can participate in exciting battles against their friends, other classes and even other schools, making learning both engaging and competitive.
In Year 5, we have five spelling lessons each week, one of which is the weekly spelling test held every Monday morning. New spellings are made available on Spelling Shed every Monday morning, and children are expected to practise these independently at home. A paper copy of the spellings is also provided to the children each week.
School Trips and In-School Experiences
In Year 5, Miss Ferrara believes that out-of-school experiences and fun, learning experiences in school are just as important as the teaching of the National Curriculum, as they help children create lasting memories and explore new opportunities.
This year, in Year 5, Miss Ferrara has an exciting range of trips and events planned:
Autumn Term
- An Ancient Greek workshop at Leeds City Museum
- Visit to Old Trafford, Manchester United's football stadium
Spring Term
- Anglo-Saxon day delivered by Murton Park
- Pop-up planetarium in school
Summer Term
- Mobile petting zoo in school
- Unforgettable trip to the Harry Potter Studios
Year 5 Long Term Plan (2024-2025)