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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Hello and welcome to our Year 6 class page! I’m Mrs. Banks and I am delighted to be guiding our wonderful Year 6 students through their final year of primary school. Year 6 is a fantastic and exciting time, full of opportunities for learning, growth and preparation for the transition to secondary school.

Throughout the year, we will explore a rich and engaging curriculum, tackling new challenges in Maths, English, Science and beyond. We’ll also develop important life skills such as independence, resilience and teamwork. There will be plenty of exciting activities, trips and special events to make this a memorable year.

I am looking forward to seeing each child grow in confidence and reach their full potential. Please check this page regularly for updates on our learning journey. Let’s make this a fantastic year together!


Mrs. Banks
Year 6 Class Teacher

Acting Assistant Headteacher

Every day children will be required to bring their reading books and yellow reading journals to school with them. There are many opportunities throughout the day where they have chance for free-reading in class, the library or in the KS2 "Starbooks" area. Staff in school may also like to hear 1:1 readers so it is important that they always have their book to hand. 

Our school is signed up to Accelerated Reader, a platform where students read books, take quizzes and earn points. These points help them win prizes like bookmarks and stickers. Once they reach 100 points, they can choose a book to buy and keep! This program encourages reading and makes learning fun and rewarding!


On Tuesday we have Choir Practice.

Our fantastic UKS2 Choir meets with the diocesan choral director, Mr. Rodriguez, every week to rehearse and enjoy singing together. It’s a great opportunity to develop confidence, teamwork, and musical skills! Keep an eye out for upcoming events to come and support our students.


On Tuesday we have PE.

Please ensure your child is wearing correct PE kit which consists of black joggers/leggings, a black jumper/hoodie and a plain white t-shirt and trainers. 


On Friday we have Spelling and Arithmetic Tests.

Every Friday, Year 6 students will have a spelling test on 10 words they’ve been practising throughout the week in school and at home. They’ll also complete an arithmetic test focusing on key facts to improve recall and stamina. These tests help build confidence and reinforce essential skills for their learning journey.



In Year 6, regular practice at home helps reinforce key skills. Children should read for at least 20 minutes daily and access Times Table Rockstars at least three times a week for 20 minutes to improve their fluency and rapid recall of number facts. They should also play Spelling Shed games at least twice a week for 15 minutes.

Every Friday, a mixture of maths and grammar homework we will be sent home, including a QR code with answers for self-marking. While there’s no expectation to return it, completing it with parental support is highly beneficial in building confidence and understanding.

There may be times when additional maths homework will be set on Maths.Co.Uk 


If you have any questions regarding homework, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.